We Do Not Let Negligent Motorists Blame Motorcycle Riders
Anyone who rides a motorcycle knows that many motorists fail to see bikers. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle wreck, you need to work with tough lawyers who will put your interests first.
Motorcycle riders and their passengers are highly vulnerable in a crash. Riders frequently suffer lifelong disabilities that may take the injured victim out of the workforce for life. Brain injuries, amputations – even road rash – can require extensive medical care.
To learn how our lawyers use creativity to maximize compensation for motorcyclists injured in Connecticut, call 860-886-9300 or 888-827-6358, or send us an email. The initial consultation is free and you pay no fee unless we obtain compensation for you. Se Habla Español. 中文.
We Hold Insurance Companies Accountable
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Cicchiello & Cicchiello, LLC, in Norwich know how frustrating it is for injured victims and their families to take on the insurance companies and get the fair compensation they deserve. We represent you and give you the tools you need to fight.
For serious injuries, insurance coverage limits may be too low to adequately cover your losses. Our motorcycle accident attorneys research other policies to find potential new avenues for recovery. We analyze every detail, including whether a motorcycle defect contributed to the cause or severity of the accident.
Choose Lawyers Who Will Treat You With Dignity
Our focus is on serving clients with dignity and respect. We will take the time to answer your questions and concerns every step of the way. When we get a settlement offer, we do not just hand you the paperwork for approval; we explain the offer in light of your individual circumstances so you can make informed decisions about how to proceed.
For a free consultation, please fill out our online contact form, or call 860-886-9300 or 888-827-6358 toll free.
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