Many workers don’t think much about eye safety while performing their duties. Even when such an injury occurs, they often dismiss it as a minor inconvenience.
Under the right circumstances, any work can lead to eye injuries, but some jobs pose more risk than others. Remember to protect your eyes while working, especially in the following occupations.
Construction jobs
Workers in the construction industry are at risk of eye injuries from flying objects, such as nails, screws and metal. They also face a risk of chemical exposure, which can burn and irritate the eyes.
Manufacturing jobs
Manufacturing employees may suffer eye injuries from airborne particles like metal shavings and dust. Some manufacturing jobs also pose a risk of getting struck in or near the eye by tools or equipment.
Welding jobs
Welding is the cause of many serious eye injuries, including burns, corneal abrasions and even blindness. Welders need to wear protective eyewear specifically designed for welding.
Laboratory work
Workers in laboratories face eye injury risks from exposure to chemicals like acids and solvents. Biological hazards, such as bacteria and viruses studied in a lab, can also lead to eye injury or illness.
Health care work
Those who work in health care jobs must often handle contaminated blood and other body fluids, which can harm the eyes and potentially cause illness. Another risk is accidental penetration of the eyes by sharp objects like needles or scalpels.
These are just a few occupations that pose a risk of serious eye injuries. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with your work and protect your eyes.
A workers’ compensation claim can help ensure your medical expenses are covered and provide some lost wage replacement if you suffer an on-the-job eye injury. Legal guidance may help ensure that you obtain the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve under Connecticut law.